Shown here is a short clip previewing the content of the video titled, "From Its Ravages No Child Was Safe," a narration on the treatment of diphtheria and croup.
Shown here is a short clip previewing the content of the video titled, "Hearing Aid Origins," in which Dr. Pappas discusses the work of Jean Marc Gaspard Itard.
Shown here is a short clip previewing the content of the video titled, "Otological Comparison of Two Master Anatomists," which compares the work of Vesalius and Eustachius on the anatomy of the ear.
Dr. Pappas created this shadow box displaying and identifying the temporal bones and structures. A magnified portion of this box shows the mastoid cellular system.
Silver nitrate was the medicine used by American physician, Horace Green, in the treatment of throat diseases. Green used a probang made of whale bone with a sponge or cotton ball on the end dipped in silver nitrate which he stuck down the throat to…
Sir William Macewan's teacher, Joseph Lister, came up with chromic suture, but it could not be well sterilized. But Macewen came up with a chromic catgut suture, which could be sterilized, and he himself prepared this before any operation. He…
Casserio provided in his 1601 a class illustration of the incisions and instruments used in the tracheotomy. He even illustrated a tracheotomy tube that has not changed since then. Shown here is a later tracheotomy tube from the Alabama Museum of the…
Casserio provided in his 1601 book a classic illustration of the incisions and instruments used in the tracheotomy. He even illustrated a tracheotomy tube that has not changed since then. Shown here is a later tracheotomy tube from the Alabama Museum…